Like I said, I added a two new paragraphs. The fourth is very, well, not right for this site. To see it go to my myspace ( and read my newest blog.
Social Entropy
Petty insults are mere placebos masquerading as truths. An unfounded, unjust, arbitrary, or even genuine insult should be paid no more attention to then the drunken babble of an old man. To believe such ignorant phrases is to insult one’s own genius; to take true even the truest of insults is to go against thy very self. Whatever one calls another is simply a simile that emulates the actual truth. The prudent thing to do would be to simply ignore all insults, for they are only contrived by men to supplement their own ignorance. For a man to call another a monster is for that man to call first a saint. To take every insult as a compliment, and supplement said insult with the actual truth-this is genius.
In life, one will always encounter those who think that what they have to say contains meaning; they think that their words contain profound truths of the world at hand. In reality, they know nothing more than nouns and verbs, singing the stereotypical hymn of ignorance. They talk about the fantasies of man and the envious perfection of such. They know nothing of the genuine truth, or of what the future holds. Most men in such situations would illuminate an asinine expression of acceptance, only to avoid any ideas of hypocritical animosity. They find it impossible to proclaim the true inmost thoughts of their heart; they would never insult such ignorance, nor would they want the same from another. Why is it so necessary then for people to preserve such ignorance? Why supplement such idiocy with additional idiocy? It is to my great dismay that I should take such actions as “true.” It incenses me to no end that this ignorance is actually acceptable in society. A great man is one who, when in the mist of a great company, denounces all idiocy and speaks the truest of truths. A man that can falsify the stranded hearts of the common is a man that I shall give all my praise. This is a man that deserves all ears and no opposition.
The badge of age has manifested itself into an omnipotent among men. This false god has gained unjustified power among all others. He stands corrected by no one and finds it very acceptable to mock all that youth him. Yet, in the world of truth, a youth can talk with unrivaled brilliance the truths of the world no different than any man of age. He can romanticize, not sensationalize, everything said “god” can equally. It would seem that he is too make his seniors quite moot, yet is unable to by the wall of age. Why is it that the age of a man illuminates experience? That the years that one man has failed personifies a later foreseen success? I implore you, go out and make known your brilliance, regardless of age or badge or name or title. Walk the streets as whatever you are, rather than what your age is. Make known that even thought you lack this experience, such experience which society so often sensationalizes, you can still outperform even the most high of society. Any man, regardless of age, can strike fear into the heart of a man simply by his brilliance, his character, and his heart.
Such an array of diversity our language is. Such a marvelous display of choices to both insult and compliment, strengthen and disseminate. Why is it then that such words receive censor? Why is such brilliance unheard and such ignorance forgotten? I would give no more heed to . . . (read the rest on my myspace)
A man is not a man when he compromises integrity with security. There are few men that find it completely necessary to live life simply to live. They completely separate themselves from the world in order to gain a rope in which to rap around an unstable rock, decimating their piggy to gain a big prosthetic forehead. I ask you, is this truly living? Does the accumulation of wealth and the idea of a glittering new badge send men into exile? Suppose a man is to receive such dreams? Does this fulfill a life? Does this define a man? I would rather live a life which follows my passions and live in stability then live a life of glamour and have it be unstable and untrue. A man is to preserve his passions and his heart regardless of the outcome. He is to value his heart over the entire world, for the world is incidental and temporary, while his heart is eternal.
. . .huh? This is MapleStory General?
I think I read a book about that topic too, but I don’t seem to rememeber the title, >__>
~Looking forward to your next Blog~
– VanillaPocki –
I find it VERY, VERY, VERY hard to believe you wrote this. I found it a bore. I don’t need to read an essay to understand most insults are rubbish.
lol, well i did write this. Why is it so impossible that ordinary people cannot write things. besides, Emerson and Eliot were ordinary people just like us.
Uh. . . It looks like Alter has stumped us all again.
And me too I find it Very Very very Very! Hard to believe you wrote this but you did pwn me at comments. . . it might be a “gift” o_0″
But this really has nothing to do with an MMORPG.
And it’s sorta complicated, not for me, but for ALOT of people
I find it so complimenting that you find it hard to belive. Not because you think it is good persay, but because you find it was well writen and arguable has concrete ideas. By you saying such things, you are actually complimenting me to no end. Ty doods~~
If you’re talking about TS Eliot, he is a brilliant poet. >__>
I wish I can think beyond the box the way he does. . . but then again. . .thats just a wish>~<”
rofl. . .stumped us (thats a very funny word) XD
I think I know why people think it’s hard to believe that you wrote this. It’s because there are alot of young readers in MMOtales and they aren’t as advanced in both english literature and philosophy.
I dunno.>__> sumthing like that i guess
– VanillaPocki –
Okay uhm from your comment to me, it seemed like you thought I was taking credit for those quotes, like I said before typing out the quotes, I give credit to WHOEVER made them. -_-; God.