Heyya! so, i was doing the maple history book quest and all i needed was the one on the boat to orbis. but unfortunately, it wasn’t there. well, there really was no point for me to be on the boat then and having just one experience, i thought, “whatever” (i just leveled) and decided to go out of that tightly cramped cabin and face the balrogs (spelling??). i waited and waited, and no balrogs came. GREAT. even more pointless-ness.
then we get to orbis and there was this assasin that was joking around with me and so we both partied and went to look for surpria or something (some level 30+ quest in orbis). of course we had to past many high leveled monsters by which i would have died in a couple of hits if it wasn’t for this 5x cleric – Skyresse (you’re fantastic!!!). then we found Surpria (or whatever) and he accepted the quest.
then the assasin (phisy007) wanted to do the quest in the orbis tower where we had to get 45 jr sentinel pieces, 20 fire and ice sentinel pieces. some minor things that happened while doing this quest : (1) i died, yes, even with a cleric in our party (my stupidity actually, i jumped in among the fire sentinels with 50 hp after realizing i was going to die o.0 ) and (2) skyresse’s nice 7x ice/lightning wizard boyfriend – magicham – joined our little party and helped us finish the quest. i got some orbis scrolls… >_>
oh my gosh! that’s when i realized how close we were to aqua and i asked sky if she was willing to take me, and she said yess!!!! oh bless that sky and her hammy (they have a crush ring! <33 ) anyways, so i went to nanuke and got the relaxer!!!!!!!! my long-time want! =D
yeah, and then sky and ham went afk and phisy007 and i explored Aquarium. then i had to leave, i said bye to my new friends and signed off. =.=
BUT GUESS WHAT? now i dont know how to get out of aqua with out dying. so i made up a plan.
here’s my plan:
1)) level to 30
2)) i will have 0% exp and so i can travel without my fear of dying
3)) get to orbis tower
4)) die at the wrath of the sentinels
5)) end up in orbis
6)) take the boat to ellinia
7)) become a cleric after talking to grendel, instructor and 30 marbles.
hehehe, it should work. ^_^
HAPPY MAPLING!!! annnnd thanks for reading! xD
LOL.What a plan.
Or you could go into the FM, get a tower teleporting scroll and use it when you get to Orbis Tower to teleport to first floor. Cast Magic Guard when swimming out of Aqua, since you’re a mage. It’s easy to avoid the monsters in Aqua because you get a lot of free space to swim at the top of the map. Buy pots, and buy bubbles, since you probably don’t have the oxygen tank.
How I know this? I got my lvl 15 baby warrior out of Aqua like that when the buggy MSEA patch made her exit from the FM into Aqua. (Her weapon defence was probably less than yours.) You can survive easily, as long as you swim high and keep minimal contact with monster. Goodl uck
Oh, and welcome to MMOtales
Good luck with your plan! And don’t forget to have fun swimming around! I GARUNTEE after you leave, you’re gonna try to swim and realize you’re not in Aquaroad anymore! =P