OMG! So, I nearly forgot my promise to blog every time there was something worth being mentioned to prevent me from writing one of those long epics that almost nobody really reads but pretend to do so by certifying it with cheesy/common variations of nice blog. *rolls eyes* Anyway, there was so much that I left out of my last blog, believe it or not, that I vaguely briefed upon during the final parts. Allow me to tell you about the some of the stuffs, okay? x)
[[Sorry if this sounds kind of dull; I wrote the intro part early in the morningat like 8:25AM [GMT-8]. My mommy made me [*gasp* alliteration] get out of bed. >_
No, but seriously! I dont mean to sound like Im bragging but I really do PWN. ^^ I currently have 2 PQ newbies for the Kerning PQForestNymph [2x Bowman] and itsAliyah [3x Fighter].
My PQ tactics operate in a tag-team performance between Livi and I. yes, we always PQ together and the other newby PQers are so used to seeing ustheyve nicknames us the itsTwins. O_O;; Erm, okay theyre cool [NAHT!] XD
Anyway, I PQed my bowman to level 25 and then PQed my warrior to Fighter status. Yep, level 30 fighterdrenched in black and white and sporting a blue bamboo hat, capable of doing 700+ damage
My PQ members usually consist of Livi, Omer [Sholdy on beginner~ Teiekiiiz], Andrew [CortheFirst or IWishIWasLivi] and I and when the boys cannot come, theres enough PQ hungry people to select from in channel one.
The hardest part for me is getting in the PQ. Once Im in, Im on a roll until like after the 8th or 9th one that I start lacking interest and Id miss. Oh well, I gained 70% at least. XD
Yeah, my old Suuushi look disappeared like all NX seem to do after 3 months. Its kind of a depressing and exciting moment all mixed into one. NOOOOOO, MY NX IS GONE TT__TT and also YAY! NEW NX! X)
So, Drewbutt and I debated on our guild website [ETERNALANGEL FTW] for awhile on what it is that we should get cause we wanted to match. X) Corny? You may think so but were absolutely adorable and you lot are just jealous
I kind of liked the whole shiny, snazzy look the Horoscpoic clothing offered and so I suggested it to Drew and he only seemed too happy to refuse. Well, not true exactly.
Me: DREWWY! So what should we get? X)
Andrew: idk
Me: Pick something!
Andrew: idk, you pick?
Me: I was thinking horoscopic =]
Andrew: loll. Post pictures on the site and Ill show you mine.
*we both post pictures*
Andrew: Aliyah, this is the one I was going 2 get link
Me: x) link
Andrew: i like the bunny one and the sheep horoscope one
Andrew: link Hmm i dont like the horoscope claw =S
Me: Teehee x) You look cutee in the leo one XD And the claw doesnt look bad, well I don’t think so. Its you’re choice though ^^; I like the glowing effect the whole outfit does.
Anyway, we discussed some more in game and Drew decided that he was going to buy 2 NX outfits~NX Wh0re *cough*. So I bought my horoscopic look as did he along with his bowling look. X3
Andrew: =O in 10 minutes im changing my hair 2 metrosexual like i used 2 have..
Hahaaha, now we match like no other ~ Yummy
About a week ago, I was level 49 and like 20%, with no hope or motivation whatsoever to get to level 50. As you know from my last blogif you even read itthat training simply bores me. I wish I was as motivated as Annikabelleshe trains like crazy~its rather frightening O_O;; Hmm. Maybe then not AS motivated as her [no offense Anni Marisaa, who at least can last WAY longer than me when it comes to training. [Psst! EARLY CONGRATS ON LEVEL 60!!].
However, Im not.
I prefer the jumping (hasted of course by some `sin/`dit/hermy that Id demand it out of XD), chasing, bashing, chatting lifestyleif I may call it that. Basically, when I get bored, I head to the FM; I like being around people, its just how I am. [I often find myself chatting away quite happily with people that I dont even know.] Heres the deal, Im the type of girl thatll run by you hollering Hiyya! XD *F2* and if you respond with a smile, its all good and Ill probablymost likelydemand that you talk to me. F7/F6/F5 at me andhehehe. Ill let you find out on your own. I know its a bit annoying or bothersome, but it cures MY boredom so its perfectly acceptable! =) Oh yes, I should also state that I love stalking my friends on Maple
Anyway! Ive strayed off topic as usual. AHH! Why dont you all tell me these things? Lets see, where was I? Level 49, 20%. Okay so! I began to play Maple lesser and lesser because eleventh grade is hard and the homework load bites like a bish. So, I gave Max my account information (OMG! ALIYAH GOT H4XX3D! Naht. Chill out kids, I trust him ) and I was AMAZED. 99.88% with 100 more experience to go until my next level. WOWZERS. *_* I was super excited and waited for Max to come online before I leveled, because it only felt right that he should be there since HE was the one playing hours on the end to surprise me with. After he logged on, Max, Omer and Livi and I set out to watch me LEVEL
However, there was a small debate beforehand on what exactly I should level on.
One curse eye, and the rest on snails!
Heh, Drakes! >D
Bwahaha, I decided on the slime tree. XDD Im SUCH a rebel
And Drewlala bought me a present! XD
And so did Jonat! XD ~ link
I have this cousin, his name his Niccolye [Neec-co-lie] whom Ive also given my account information to because mainly of Maxs absence [WEEEEEEELLLLLLLLCOMEEE BACK FROMEE FRAAANNNNCEEEE MAXXXXXXIIEEEEHH!] and the homework load being all lame. Bahh. Anyway! Niccolye promised to get me to level 70, a level every two days . Im supposed to train 10% and then 40% he will and then the next day the same thing shall repeat. =)
So, I log onto Maple and see that Im only 200 experience points away from leveling! I wanted to do my last Ludi PQ and level during that but my friends all wanted to see me level. x] I just cant seem to stand up to peer pressure, well you know what I mean. Anywhoo! All my friends and guildee lovelies come over from all parts of the Maple Islands and we gather in front of the Kerning PQ area. We were quite a sight and it seemed that all the baby PQers erupted into a spammage of Mesars pl0x@@@@.
OH yeah! Lumpieh stalked me.
Heh, after everyone had arrived, I decided to go level on Ligators in the sewage area. So, Zack [SparkiDit] was already inside as well as Andrew. The others just came in through the portal when
What?! I didnt even kill anything! NUUUUUUUU TT__TT
And no one even saw me level except Zack who was jumping around at the time. Then HOW was this POSSIBLE? O_O;; Suddenly I saw Drew Flash Jump down from wherever the heck he was and grin widely, attack pose ready. But that wasnt what caught my attention, nor was it the incessant CONGRAAAAAAAAAATTTTTTTTSSSSSS ALLLLLIYAAHH that he kept shouting. Nope. He had a red bar over his head.
The red bar that showed the other players HP. The red bar that signified that we were in a party. The red bar that meant that experience points were now being SHARED.
AHHHHHH! Drew leveled me and no one even sawwww! No point for everyone to come from El Nath and Omega and Ludi and Aqua andandand Gah. I didnt even realize I was in a Party. But it wasnt anyones fault so I calmly explained to my infuriated friends that it was an accident and being the good friends they were, they understood
ThelastCor: O.o
Sholdy: omg you idiot. T_T
missmimmsi: DDD=
ThelastCor: Lolll! *Flash Jumps away*
But it totally wasnt his fault. But everything was all cool and groovy afterwards so yeah. Goodstuff I hit over 1k heal now more often and its pwnage. Four digit damage
The plan was that Omer was going to level to 100 and I at level 52 at the same time. This didnt quite work out. Niccolye did his thing and I was 99% again and Omer trained really hard the night before and he was also 99%. Yay, right? Not.
I decided to go Broa really quickly before going to Scania to say HI to some people, but to no avail.
/find kosmokatz
Unable to find KosmoKatz
Fine. I keep the Umbrella. *sticks out tongue at Cheezy*
/find Odaro
Unable to find odaro.
Losaaars. >_
Meanwhile, I tell Livi to go on her warrior [itsLiviadia] and look for party members so that we can KPQ. It turns out that she came across Omer and demanded to party him. He was at the Kerning Subway, at Bubblings . Obviously he agreed like a gentlemen and said Brb, one sec to Livi and achieved the status of AFK.
While he was AFK, Livi gleefully hacked away at the squishy bubblings and
Omer leveled. Level 100 priest. Three digits. Holy crud, major pwnage. Why isnt anyone excited but that little newby 2x warrior? *rolls eyes*
Turns out that Omer only returned after some other random newbs shouted CONGRATS to himwhich is when he realized that he was now a 10x priest.
Sholdy: No.. she LEVELED ME! D:
itsAliyah: Level 100 OMG! OMY SO PROUD!
Sholdy: Aly. She. Leveled. Me.
*Suddenly I realize what just happened*
itsAliyah: OMG! OMG! I DIDNT SEE! D:
Sholdy: I KNOW T__T I didnt EITHER!
itsLiviadia: omg Im so sorrrrryyyyyy T_T I didnt know
And it went on for awhile in some very colorful words in a different language of course, so Nexon cant/couldnt stop me >D. I mean, He himself DIDNT get to see himself become level 100 D:
But it all came down to the past is the past and you just cant go back in time, can you? Let it go and MOVE ON! Drama equals yucky. T_T
And Anni and I s’mega-ed him so he got plenty of Congrats and was delighted. XD
So, Omy and I went over to Bubblings `cause thats where he hit 100 and I
leveled after a few hits. XDD
Level 52 Cleric. Yep, Im living it big now. =] Everything seems so perfect at the moment except the fact that Andrew and Max are missing-in-action. COME BACK YOU DUCKIES! The mesars, the accessories, the damage, the look, the friends, the guild, and the pet
Eternal Angel Update[/h]
It turns out that Damon was kicked out of his guild recently and so he came over and found me pretending to be AFK at the FM.
Damonion: *F4* `Liyah T_T
Ahh, curse that F4 face.
missmimmsi: *F2* DAMON! HAII!
Damonion: *F4*
missmimmsi: *F1* Whats wrong?
Damonion: My guild doesnt like meeee anymore. Do you think that I can possibly stay in your guild temporarily?
missmimmsi: Duh.
Damonion has joined the guild.
Damonion: =O
Too bad he liked the guild too much . Temporarily seems to have been scratched off completely from his previous statement. xP
The Ninja decided AGAIN to be more active on Scania and added his OTHER character that he got for free over the last one. Level 4x Fighter, sweet.
FELLOW GMS SCANIANS! Buddy the Ninja : Chaomey
Well, welcome back to the EA Guild Ninja D
EDIT! EDIT EDIT! The Ninja IS back but I gave him my Dragon Knight [Level 86] to play on instead of that fighter. XDD Yes, I have a Dragon Knight. And no, I never actually played on it. Why? Well, I like my cleric much moreee Ryan [The awesome guy that wanted to recruit me for UndiePatrol], [The Ninja, Ryan and I discussed on a chat window while in-game] Ninja was granted permission and access to the account. YAY! NINJA IS SO LIKE PRO-ISH NOW
Bwahaha. Do NOT change the info! >D
FELLOW GMS SCANIANS! Buddy the Ninja : Itsallmyfault
NINJA-NESS. Click there!
Like I said before, when I get superrr bored, but not bored enough to get off maple, I tend to stalk people. XD After stalking Vanny and Dray and a whole bunch of other duckies, I decided to stalk Mark
/find 0LastMan0
0LastMan0 is at Freemarket, Room
OH YAY! Bounding over quickly, I entered the room shouting some nonesuch on how hes been stalked. Unfortunately, he wasnt alone. The infamous AnusBandit of UndiePatrol was with him along with Nate [Guz0r]whom wasnt a big problem. But AnusBandit, oh boy. *rolls eyes*
Every flippin` sentence he says he always mentions his male-ness and other such perverted things. Gahhh, but they were fun to hang out with when they werent raping each other. LOL.
And thennnn, RYAN [Witarded] Came! He was the guy I mentioned in my Epic Blog that wanted to recruit me for UndiePatrol. Turns out that he left the guild because of much the same reason I didnt join UndiePatrol. His friends came before anything. He joined a 10x + guild owned by his friend called Pure. That guild is just major amazingness .*_* xxx Dray xxx from UndiePatrol actually jumps back and forth between this Pure and Undie to train.
Anyway, enough with my love for the Undies.
So Lexxico, aka Alex [Staralex1~Livis husby] SPAMS the buddy chat that we all must attend the Party hes having at FM. Why not? I grab some of my friends and head over
It was chaotic and I realized how much Nexon makes from its NX users D=. NX Wh0res. Lol, I shouldnt be talking too much. x) But at least Im not addicted like SOME people *glances at Drew and Cheezy*.
Well, I think Im going to end there. Now that wasnt too long so you lot better read it!
WOOT! First comment
LMAO. I came up with the title <3
I will edit after I finish reading it
EDIT: I FINISHED READING! WEEEEEEEEEEEEE :] I love how you mention me everywhere ♥
Lmao. You made me sound so WEIRD with my “newby 2x warrior hacking gleefully away”
Oh yesh. That party was major pwnage.
[h]ZOMG! I LOVE ALEXXXXXXXXXX <33333333333333333333[/h]
After we talked about a few -ahem- problems [=S]. We were like ♥ *glorious music play* LAAAAAAAAAAA~
And I love you. Muah!
Major spammage of screenshots, Aliyah! XD
Nice blog
You look like PirateJing when he had requested to be banned o.O
o0o0o0 We have to meet up in scania some how ^.^
Yep. What Devilrymage said. Oh and do you happen to know that Kratos99 is actually an arse.
I like training fullstop
I love killing, therefore I love training .
But talking is fun too OO:
And Parakeets flying on Pixies is fun too!
Am I living in a miracle~
Ps. Is that you on your dp on msn? If it is, you look mighty fine.
sirsolo guess what? ILikeIt!
Yep. What Devilrymage said. Oh and do you happen to know that Kratos99 is actually an arse.
I agree, he IS!
And THATS how you levelled so fast! I was beginning to wonder if you hacked! =O
I wish I had someone to help me train. Good luck on 70! I’ll be in my 50’s for a WHILE.
I read half of that before my eyes slapped themselves.
I’m rarely on Odaro now
New Chief Bandit, currently at 88 and speeding up to 100.
Goal for Tuesday: 102. O_O;
I still have NO idea how do you write blogs as long as this. . . ><; And I’m wondering if there are over 10,000 screen shots of Maple Story on your computer.
OMG at InsaneDesi, he should seriously lay down on the “pretending to be a girl with a boy character thanks to NX and lots of pink and fluffy stuff” technique. ><;
I feel bad for Omer lol, 100 and he didn’t even see it himself. xO
That sucks. =[
LOL. ><
Nice blow btw.
Aliyah looks scary with that cloud hat on.
僕はlonelyです. タイワンのメポルストルーはつまらないです.