Beggars, who needs them…

Ok, so there i am, sitting on a bench in heneyses recovering hp.When some massiv swarm of begginers and low lvls pound me with “MESOS PLZ!” “GUILD PLZ!” “TRAIN ME PLZ!”. so i just ignore them, get up and walk a way.i get to the taxi and i get more of it, so i think ot myself, meh..they wont follow me to bl.and what happens..they follow me!

It doesn’t matter what you do you can never escape them.they have no manners.expect you to do everything for them when you dont even no them and they are rude.And its as if they are the only ones that have ot train, do they seriously think that our money grows on trees and we dont have to train!?

reply if you agree and also hate beggars. ^_^

4 thoughts on “Beggars, who needs them…”

  1. yeah sometmes beggars are annoying and the will relentlessly keep begging u until u get amd at them and gives them money to chase them away.

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