rawr i hate server checks. i didnt even get to spend the last few minutes left training cuz i had to help someone with something and my garage door thingy got stuck. -_-
oh well. so.. er.. just wanted to say that i guess .^_^
i was kinda pissed today. my friend said i had a small private while i was flirting with some girls around my lvl.
now, dont flame me cuz, i was just doing it to pass the time. we were on the ship to orbis.
but. im a little happy now seeing as i remember that when low lvls annoyingly ask me for haste (see pics #1 and #2)
i can say no, and when they are persistent and wont go away, i can give them sucky lvl 5 haste xD
its just something to look forward too.=)
no, its a lie, lol
“a small private” — So cruel. xD You poor guy.
lol she sad it at the beggining of the ride so i had to stay in the ship the WHOLE ride and get laughed at -_-
when noobs ask ME for haste i can outrun them with maxed haste