Everything is so uneventful. I dont have time to do things that I want to anymore. Like play maple story for a long long long time. Or watch TV. I just sit there studying in the weeee hours of the morning. I guess thats the price I have to pay for being in College.
Anyway, I happened to play maple story for a couple of hours the other day. As I got on, it was a bit strange. I talked to the guild leader for a moment, talking about things that I shouldnt really mention on here. Anyway, he gave me great advice, well, not really. I just wanted someone to talk to and as he said Im always willing to listen. During the few days before I met some people and became quick friends with them. Theyre funny, and young, and funny
I trained for a bit and happened to level. And as I leveled I was stalked by someone. He kept complimenting my black eye. Lol. He said something along the lines of OMG, the color of your eyes contrast beautifully with the bruise on your face. I couldnt help but laugh at him for what he said and I politely said Thank you I guess. He then asked what happened to my face and, as always, I said I stretched my bow to far back and it snapped, and I accidentally punched myself on the eye when it happened.
We laughed about it and he quickly buddies me. As my two friends, came on neither of them greeted me until I said something, but I understand because Im not Aaru anymore. As I went to the town of perion, since I was training there, a 60ish level mage came and made an F4 face at me. She then said OMG I feel so sorry for you, is your face ok? I gave an F7. Then we laughed it off and she just hopped away.
Speaking of Aaru, I completely messed up her hair. I think most of you know about that free hair style coupon for Amoria. DONT DO IT!!! I did it and it messed up her hair! Its black and bowl cut. She Looks Like A Butch/Dom. She looks so fulgy But thats only one reason I decided not to play as her. The other reason is because theres too much drama between a fellow player and myself. He and I used to friends, now were just enemies. And to make matters worse, he and I are in the same guild. It sucks I know.
Anyway moving on
I know I said I was going to get Aaru up to 60, but I rather not even go around looking like THAT. X____x so Im waiting for my check to come in so I could by 10$ of NX to fix it. *sigh* thats going to be a while. But for now Im just more focused on training Chijiku up to her 2nd job advancement.
I recently came back from an anime convention, and Im mentioning this now because I just thought of a few cosplayers that were dressed as level 40/50 mages and a giant mushmom. I couldnt help but laugh. I only wished I could have taken a picture of that. I didnt even buy a camera.
Black eye-ness .
I must try it some time .
Sounds amazing .
I can hop around in the Free Market and have a whole crowd of people hopping around me saying “Oh NOES! Who punched you!”
Lol, contrast beautifully,
If I could find someone like that on Maple in Khaini with my char, I’ll go eat all of my Oreos right now.
Heehee . . . there was a huge mush mom at Otakon last year. I got a picture but can’t remember which folder I put it in (I’ve been going for five years xD)
I love goofing off with random people on MS n_n
And I know how it feels to have so little time to do the things you love . . . this summer I’m gonna crank on MS until college starts
Drop out of college! You’re smart enough, and you’ll have time to do the kewl stuff.
Too bad about your computer.
You should sue their asses.
Sorry about not saying hi to you on Maple yesterday.
Dun worry, I’m not mad at you.
Talk to you later, Senpai.
Ehhh, I forgot you were at that convention thing. XD
I guess I should drop the respectful-act-of-you-being-my-brother’s-best-friend, because it makes everything odd.
Right now, he and my mom are screaming in the background. It’s worse than lighting the house on fire.
Oh great. This just sucks. My parents are now screaming about a divorce, and loans, and more crap.
Glad to see you are still with us Aaru. We missed you!
-=The Nazgul=-