I sit here at my desk in the dark staring at an empty microsoft page pondering what to type next. However, I ended up typing about my thoughts. Remembering, or trying to remember, everything that I ever wrote in my very small jump drive that contains old blogs and chapters of my first MS fanfic and Sins of a Chief Bandit.. But that is not why I’m typing all of these words and thoughts.
It’s not at all.
Days, weeks, months have gone by now since I’ve last posted up a blog or chapter. And I cant really say that I’ll continue going on or not. Everything in my own little dark room is finally falling back into place. A new computer where I can play maple story, internet… can I truly say that I’m home? That’s a bit stretching it since I would never call my humble little box a home.
My new computer carries Windows Vista, it’s both a gift and a curse. Despite all the random pop ups of “allow” or “deny” I was able to install MapleStory successfully and I am now able to play when I want in the comfort of my own home, or little dark box.
I’ve played once in a while, about two hours a night. During my gaming hours, I talk amongst friends and train once in a while. However, I feel as though my drive to play maple story at all is gone. I pretty much use MS as I would with MSN IM.
I still play from time to time, to make sure that my NX items doesn’t go to waste, just not as often as everyone else does. I just don’t have much free time to do so anyway.
The big question… (or maybe not)
Will I ever continue my story?
That’s most likely be a no. Along with my drive of playing MS is at an all time low… My drive to continue this little semi-adult rated fanfic is also at an all time low. Not because I don’t feel like continue, it’s because I ran out of ideas. I have then ending all figured out, but all the action in the middle… I can’t seem to come up with it. Perhaps I should just leave it empty… or just kill the whole story and blabber out the ending.
I don’t know which one to do.
~~ Still Pondering…
Playing emulator games all day isn’t fun either
Take a vacation to Hawaii or something. ^^
Omg hi Aaru o.0 lol. Well anyways, hope you get some inspiration to continue writing your story AND play maple.
Who the hell are you? O.O
Someone really really old.
Hehe, you’re not old! Unless your talking in a MMOTale perspective. That sorta makes me old too, I think, I’m not sure -.-
AnbuNinja04, Aaru, me, and others are one of the earliest MMOT people.
Make a filler! XD
Aaru is my inspiration, Maplerz.
-=The Nazgul=-
I don’t really know how to remedy complete idea-less-ness and such, because I’m dealing with the same thing.
I suggest you do something new. Another game. maybe not an RPG? Start a new story, stalk someone, something like that.