I made money. A lot of money. No thanks to scrolls I thought I never had and steelies. That’s right steelies. For 3 levels now I’ve been hunting Red Drakes and got nothing. Nothing came from killing Red Drakes until I found steelies. And since I found steelies… a lot more drops fell onto my lap.
Dark Scorpio (x2)
Pink Goldrunners
Evil Tales (x2)
Dark Anakamoon
Green Gore Shoes
Steelies (of course)
Red Moon Pants
Crystal Wand
Red Gaia’s Cape
Some I will keep, some I will sell. Since I have a hunter in the making I might as well keep all the archer stuff. As for the rest I’m posting them up for auction in BasilMarket. I haven’t used basilmarket in such a long time. But it’s time to make some money. Overall… I think I just made about 13 million with the steelies alone. Perhaps my luck is finally turning around.
I’m about level soon. I have about 15% more to go. I don’t think of it as being a long boring training instead I think of it as being better that I was months ago. I haven’t gotten so many drops since.. oh I don’t know… I was training on Fire Boars. And that’s in my late 30’s. I feel really good. Really Really Good….
Now most of you are wondering what happened between me and the guild. I didn’t leave. Not because I couldn’t break my promise. I talked to the leader. He read my previous blog. He, Tenan, and myself talked. I knew he was going to tell him. No biggy. He talked about kicking some people out of the guild. And for that commented that I mentioned in my previous guild that …
He was furious. He wanted me to be in the guild because I’m ‘unique’. Something along those lines. He brought my best friend back into the guild. Other’s from the guild read it. Some of which I don’t understand why they read it. I thought they never cared. One, in particular felt sorry and bad because of what I said in the guild. Other’s got mad, I think. I’m not so sure.
Other’s left by the time I logged back onto Maple Story. Tenan told me that Dennis (our leader) showed the guild my blog. Some just left… for reasons unknown. However, when I did log onto MapleStory… everyone said hi. Some which don’t even know my really name, or just learned my name. Sometimes I feel as though he told them to be nice to me because I feel out of place or (I hate to say this) as a charity person. Most who ignore me say Hi now. That’s not what I wanted. I don’t want the guild to stop what they’re doing and listen to me.
Here’s a good example…
Me: I want a tattoo of a unicorn on my butt.
Random Guild Member: Hahahah!!! Why?
Me: I dunno, just making conversation
RGM: ??? Okay…
Okay, that’s not a very good example, but they’re answering me more so than they did before I even made that blog.
They invited me to a KPQ. I haven’t pq’ed in a long while so I forgot the basics. We go deeper into the quest where you had to stand in front of these cats in a certain pattern. It through me off and I got confuse… so the same RGM said “What the hell are you doing, Caroline?” and another RGM (#2) says “Be Nice.”
That threw me way off. So I started to think they’re just being nice to me because the leader said so. I don’t want to say it but I feel as though it’s true. Oh well. I’m much more active with another leader in a different guild than the one, or anyone for that matter, in Bedlam. Perhaps I’m not up to their level of ‘interest’. I guess I have to look pretty and say dumbs things like a bimbo and be extra flirty, almost like a wh/re. Never in my day will I act like that.
I perfer that people know me for me… and not just because someone said so.
Perhaps they read the blog themselves and just said, ‘damn, that’s how she feels in the guild? Let me be nice to her.’ I don’t know what to really think. I’m not gonna question it. I’m gonna ride this little train of happiness out. See where it takes me. I know one of the guild members actually read it. He felt bad. Or so I was told. No one ever tells me anything, except Tenan.
In the end, everything will turn out right in my favor and I don’t have to act extra nice, or hide who I really am to the guild. I guess one day… they’ll know who I am… Right?
I can say that I have friends. Most of which barely come online but I have friends nonetheless. I respect them as much as they respect me. They have their boundaries that I respect and I have mine. If they respect them or not, I don’t really know. But it’s a blah feeling towards them.
Some listen to me. Others talk to me. Most do both. Then there are ones that get under my skin.
Deep Under My Skin
I have a tight friendship with Tenan, and yet I want to stab him. I can’t honestly tell him anything because he’ll get mad… I didn’t even know he was around when I announced to the guild that I found steelies…and asked how much they normally go for. He comes out of no where and screams at me. “YOU B/TCH” I couldn’t help but smile because I got him mad. He got jealous because I found something expensive.
Then suddenly… out of the blue. I decided to place all my scrolls for auction, click here if you want to see it. He saw how much one of my scrolls was auctioned for. And he became more angry. He started to claim me for money that he gave me long long time ago. That it was only temperary money to get me up off my feet. I cracked up inside because of his attitude. Then he started to threaten me with disbanning me from the guild once he gets his JR Master powers back.
If only there was a button to flip off the bird.
It’s alright though, I didn’t let him bother me. I know he doesn’t mean it. And if he does ban me… then I know Dennis gots me back. I didn’t bother to tell anyone else about my finds… so I kept them to myself. Until Now.
(Sins of A Chief Bandit) Still in a writer’s block… and I only have 2 weeks left in school. Finals are coming up. :
6:01pm EST
Are you in Ontario? O.o
Sad. . .
Tenan is sorta weird. o.o;
He told others to be nice to you. . . but he himself isn’t nice to you?
EST Time, Gan, could be Ontario from Ohio to New York, to Maine, to South Virginia, to Montreal. >.>
So erm.
Mainly everything on the eastern coast.
I’m glad things in the guild (sort of) worked out, and you’re not feeling completely excluded anymore. >_> =]
Congratulations on the drops. =]]
It’s not so much as being mean, Darkwar4ever, it’s more of a, “acknowledge that I’m that much cooler than you.”
Since she doesn’t do that, we argue. Besides, she knows that it’s true; the trick is to get her to admit it.
I’ll admit that you’re a jealous jerk, but we can easily take this to MSN. =X
:[. If you were in Windia. I’d make you join my guild we’re cool 8D.
Grats on your drops :]
I thought I saw ‘Imhotep’ for the music. XD
I wish I can get a dragon tattooed on my you-know-what, that would be NICE! =D
Wow, at least your life is not, boring?
Man, that sucks.
If they read this thread though, things’ll get better
I think.
Sigh, I should start reading Sins of a Chief bandit, but I left mmo for a while after you finished the other series, and now I”m too lazy.
, I’m really surprised. You’re like, the only person who’s posted after I did on these blogs. Usually, everything just gets eerily quiet as soon as I pop up.
This seems like a good place to talk Y’know, we don’t want it quiet around here.
, Tenan is strange. He seems all laidback and nice to us, but when you describe how he acts, it’s like he’s a completely different person.
Scary, HI CAROLINE@@@@@@@@@ ;D