I’ve Decided

A lot’s been going on as of late. Maple Story now has my baby brother hooked on the game. A friend, whom I share a crush ring with, is getting married to he MS girlfriend. My MS father came back after a year hiatus. I leveled not to long ago. I met an old friend, made a new one, and helped my MS father train until he leveled. May not sound much, but it’s a lot when it comes to a person who’s always busy. But I’ve decided. I quit.

I’m quiting, only for a while, well I’ll just call it a small suspension from Gaming.

Honestly, I don’t want to play anymore. I have my moments on MS but it’s not enough to keep myself playing. I’m always working that I don’t think I have time to play anymore, since I’m always tired and what have you.

Also, I’ve decided to kill my story all together. So I’ll just spoil the ending for everyone.

The Ending of Sin’s of a Chief Bandit~~~~

Rogue reveals to us, the readers, that he left Amana’s guild after he denied being the father of her new born daughter, he formed his own guild with the money he stole from Amana’s guild after her guild fell apart. He also reveals to us that he killed Dorian, and his brother. Befriended a man who wanted to be his apprentice, Lex. He ends his friendship with Skythe after Skythe reveals that he too loves Aaru with all his heart. Reality finds Rogue injured, (reason why he’s injured was because he and Skythe both fought to the death and Skythe dies) and helps him with his wounds. Later down the line he marries Reality and starts a family.

The end of the story reveals that Everyone knew everyone for the exception of Aaru and everyone was in on Rogue’s plan to keep her ‘safe’. And everything was done on purpose to keep her safe from Rogue. But later does Rogue realize that he’s hurt her in more ways than one and reveals to her that he only did those horrible things to keep her safe from himself because he was a ‘monster’, because he didn’t want to hurt her.

In the end, Aaru’s heart aches uncontrollably and feels weak and starts to cry, revealing her true feelings towards him. She hated him. She blamed him for Skythe’s death. She blamed him for her suffering and utterly and truely hated him. Towards the very end, it’s not Aaru that dies while falling from the toward, in El Nath, it is Rogue explaining that he pretty muched F**ked up and he deserved it. And the one who killed him wasn’t the person who killed Aaru in the first story. The person who killed Rogue was Aaru herself.

Spoiler End~~~~

Moving on…

Will I ever start a new story, prolly not. I’m not very focused because I have other things to worry about.

Anyway, I helped my MS father trained until he leveled and I hung around for a bit turned out I went up about 20%, after I leveled I’m shocked! It felt good talking to him, I had so many things to tell him. Heh, he thought I was in third job and such. I just laughed.

The person whom I share a crush ring with is getting married. I’m happy for him. I said I would help fund his wedding if I had the money, I think 5 bucks should do just fine. Well, Wilson, crush ring person, met my MS father. We all fought Tauramacis and such together. It was ok until I had to leave. Well, I didn’t really have to leave I just didn’t want to stay anymore. Got boring.

Now, if I were to tell my Guild Leader that I’m leaving for a while… I think he wouldn’t mind, then again… I’m hardly there at all so I guess it wouldn’t make much of a difference if I left or stayed. I wonder how my MS father’s gonna take the news, or Tenan (I bet he’ll be happy), or Craig, or anyone else on my buddy list feels. Then again, I don’t talk to them anymore. I haven’t been on for such a long time, I wouldn’t be surprise if they deleted me from their friend’s list.


Man, it feels like I haven’t been here in ages. I come here once in a while, looking at the new blogs, but I haven’t been able to read them all due to all the time that I don’t have. Oh well, school starts soon so I gotta put my head on straight. Gotta focus.

Well, I’ll pop around some other time, for now it’s ciao.

4 thoughts on “I’ve Decided”

  1. Yes I can’t tell you enough how much your stories meant to me, Aaru. It is sad to see you leave MS, but we’ll keep in touch ok?

    -=The Nazgul=-

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