Ice Covered Road to Dreams, chpt 8 (pt2)

[A song inspired this second part of chapter 8. Enjoy]

We were once young and blessed with wings.
No heights could keep us from their reach.
No sacred place we did not soar.
Still greater things burned within us.
I don’t’ regret the choices that I’ve made.
I know that he feels the same.
How many times I stared at the stars and clouds thinking I saw you there.
These feelings that do not pass so easily.
I can’t forget what we claimed was ours.
Moments lost though time remains.
I’m so proud of what we were.
Now my heart is becoming an ice covered road to my soul.
To my dreams.


After leaving Icey in the hotel room, I quickly ran towards the ticketing booth. I had bought my ticket to Ludibrium. Once obtaining my ticket, I quickly dashed towards the train, which was about to leave with out me. I gave my ticket to the usher and there I heard Icey yelling my name from the distance. I ran through the revolving gates and ran up the steps to catch the train. It was the last call before departure. I boarded the train as saw Icey go through the revolving gates. As he arrived to the platform the train departed and he began to chase the train. I watched him with intense eyes and my heart full of guilt. But it was something to be done. The platform ended and Icey just stood there, holding the letter I had wrote to him in his hand; crushed. He screamed on the top of his lungs; screaming out my name. I looked at him as he looked at me. I saw him fall onto his knees holding his left hand upon his heart, gripping it tightly. I saw him, but I had turned away.

I heard him scream my name for the last time as his voice echoed in the concertos of the wind. I had looked upon the clouds and thought of Rogue… and of Icey. Both of them had impacted my life with their wonderful lives.

As the train arrived in Ludibrium, I had noticed that Tenan and Ms. Fire had exited out before me. I got off the train and hid behind a giant metal pillar. I felt my heart dropped with fear and raced quickly as I began to breathe deeply and heavily. I quickly took off my guiltian and stuffed it into my backpack. I had waited for them to go through the revolving gates and disappear from site. I ran straight through the crowd that wanted to board the train heading to Orbis. I went through the revolving gates and straight into the town. I gazed upon it, never realizing how huge it was. I stood at the entranced at the town amazed of how colorful and childish this continent was. I slowly began to walk down the steps as I had seen Tenan and Ms. Fire walk out the store, hand in hand with bags filled with pills and wine (elixirs), with ice cream and soda. Also with fried chicken and hotdogs. I hid behind the solder and let them pass. I gulped down my fear as I walked 15 feet behind them so that way I wouldn’t been in their sight of vision. I had taken out an old broken gladius as I saw them walk into a house together.

Tenan and Ms. Fire had a small house to themselves. With a black cat in the front porch. My heart completely stopped all together. I couldn’t believe my eyes. I dropped my old broken gladius on the ground as it shatters to million pieces and walked back to the nearest funny looking benches and sat there. Dumbfounded of what I had seen. It was true that Ms. Fire and Tenan were married. And it was true that they were in love. And for a moment Tenan seemed to be another kind human being. This struck my hard badly. I had seen someone come out of the house both talking with Tenan and Ms. Fire. The gentleman who was with them left their house and walked towards my direction and looked at me.

This man stopped right in front of me and looked down at me. I looked up and he smiled softly at me. I looked away and sighed as he sat down next to me. “What is wrong little girl?” he asked me.
“Nothing old timer.” I said to him.
“You look mighty familiar… have we’ve met?” he asked me.
I shook my head and got up. But before I could walk he grabbed my wrist and looked up at me. “You’re Aaru, aren’t you?” he asked me.
“How… How did you know?” I whispered with a shocked look upon my weary face.
“I never forget the face of one of my daughters.” He said to me. I snatched my hand away from him and held it close to my chest. “I have no father.” I yelled at him.

“You were too small to remember. But I remember those eyes, you have the same face and skin tone as your mother but with my spunky attitude and hair style, and that scar on your neck happened when you fought against your very first snail. Your best friends were Rogue M. and D. Skythe. And you all played around the countryside helping Sara and Maria out with chores, and helping around the two towns. I know who you are…” He said to me.
I slowly began to walk backwards away from him, stepping onto the old pieces of the gladius. “Who … told you these things?” I said… “Who…” I began to panic. I began to run away from him. I recall no memories of him.
“Why are you running… Aaru-chan?” he said with a small grin. I turned around and stared at him with my eyes widen with shock and fear. My eyes filled up with tears as the streamed down my face and I began to walk backwards. My back hit the street lamp. “Leave… me alone!” I yelled at him.

He rose from the bench and slowly walked towards me. His footsteps felt like they got louder and louder with each passing step. It had drove me insane as I remember those things, but never recognizing my so called father’s face. I curled upon at the base of the lamppost, holding my legs. “That’s not true… you’re not my father! My father died when he abandoned me on Maple Island when Mom… died.” I said as I cried. I felt light headed and weak. I felt my breathing become heavy. He kneeled before me and places his hand on my forehead.
“My my, sweet little Creed. You have a high fever.” He said to me touching my cheeks and neck.
I looked behind him as saw Tenan walking out of his house towards us. I closed my eyes as I felt my warm tears run down my cheeks. “Apprentice, are you acquainted with this woman that is of servitude of me.” I heard Tenan speak. Everything became light in sound and the bright colors slowly dimmed into the darkness. “Yes, Sensei… She’s my daughter.” He said to him.

Dress the roads of my dream in white and grey


11 thoughts on “Ice Covered Road to Dreams, chpt 8 (pt2)”

  1. lolz interesting and breath-taking<—- wow i never used that word before

    plz continue, i dont know what i’d do if you didnt

  2. Alright Killstealer4 here’s a simpler version just for you.

    After leaving Icey in Orbis, Aaru goes to Ludibrium. After arriving in Ludi, she seen Tenan and Ms. Fire get off the train before her. She hides until they’re gone and she follows them with her old gladius out (she’s wanting to kill them both). But she sees that they’re happily married in a small house in ludi village and she sees a man exit out their house. Aaru backs away and sits down on the funny looking bench and the guy walks over to her and looks at her face, And then he starts telling her that he’s her father blah blah blah and she flips out. She gets a high fever and almost passes out

  3. waaaa ^^
    youre an exelent writer. i totaly love your stories ^^
    cant wait for next part

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