I cant really say that Im back because I was never gone to begin with. MapleStory is all right. I joined a different guild with Aaru. Although I have Jr. Master powers, most of the guild members dont take me seriously. Oh well, I wasnt expecting to receive such power in such a short time because I wasnt planning on staying with this guild for a long time anyway.
Most of my friends on Aaru’s Buddy List seem to know one another. Or just about anyways. Most of my friends on MapleStory, I hardly talk to anymore because I hardly come online to play. Often I wonder if that makes me a bad friend. And if it does make me a bad friend, then I might as well apologize for my absences.
Im Sorry Everyone
Most of my friends on MapleStory tend to keep silent with me. As though they dont want to talk to me. Its all right though; Im not forcing anyone to start a conversation with me. If they dont wish to speak to me thats fine Ill still be around if they want to talk, if they ever will talk.
Most of them are hardly online. I know Im on MapleStory for about three or four times in a week. I have homework to do and other stuff but I still try. I try to get on when I have the chance to get on and play MapleStory.
I dont mean to bring any names into this blog but to hell with it.
I havent talked to Lacus-chan, a really good friend of mine, for a long while. Hell, I even miss talking to her and just train by her side. I wouldnt be surprise if she were far ahead of me, leveling wise.
If I did something wrong or to make you mad, Im sorry
I doubt this heavily but I think most of you must have wondered about me. I seriously doubt it though. Theres much love in this community. However, the love stops for a while if someone doesnt show much face. At least thats the impression that Im getting. Its whatever.
Well, Ive read a few fanfics or two. Some made me laugh hard. Others were well written and got me thinking. I just recently read all five chapters of BNs new story. Ive been gone for a bit so its fairly new to me. It made me laugh at some parts. But over all its very well written. ^_^ Im a fan!!
Honestly, I wish I had the time to read all the blogs on the front page or on the side column. And give my opinion on most of the bloggers blogs. And I wish I had more time to play MapleStory and level more often But school has taken much more time than I thought.
Oh well, theres always the summer to look forward to, right?
If you can look forward to it. I’m not really looking forward to summer. I end up wasting it anyway.
The last time I had break, I found myself wishing that I had school again.
I know what you mean. My Buddy List knows everyone else. They’re all stalkers </3.
Me, far ahead of you? Nowai, girl.
And dun worry, I’m not mad at you. <3
There is never a day when I don’t wonder about all the ones I have not heard from.
I mean, how can I NOT wonder and worry about them?
(I know, I worry wayyyy to much.)
Anyway, <3 you senpai
Ooks. I so totally feel you on the silent buddy list part.
*stabs quiet people*
BUT. Stalking = Awesome.
Aye! ;D
BlackNazgul’s fanfic is indeed nice.
And my Maple BL is about the same as yours. No one logs in when I do. *sighs*
I don’t think any of my MS made friends keep me on their buddy lists anymore.
Silent training works best for me.
Lacus-chan: I see, I just hope we have some time to at least talk. . . <3 you too.
Fenrir: Silent training never works for me, I get bored oh so quickly. Then I log right off of MapleStory five minutes ofjust logging on. Sad I know.
I’m definitely looking forward for the summer. :3
Hii there! x)
I’d say welcome back, but you were here all along, so I guess: HIIIIIIIIIII AGAINNN!
I probably would have gotten around to messaging you on MSN but sadly I haven’t been on MSN in ages D:
Which it most likely will in the Summer ^^;
That really stinks about your Buddylist. For me, it’s my buddylist and guildees that keep me playing Maplestory. Without them, it doesn’t seem worth it. =/ I really hope everything works out soon
I’m so glad it’s gotten so much warmer here! It was like raining hail last week and now it’s the high 80s [farenheit] — Flip-flop time! And also, this warm weather brings a sense of weariness. I don’t know about there, but it’s so noticeable here. Everyone like stops caring, and just barely coasts through school. Teacher’s are crankier, and the students are careless UMM! SORRY I`m totally just rambling now. D: But my point is, we’re so totally ready to embrace the Summer with open arms, well at least– I am
Psst! Aaru! Got facebook?
Hot all year round here, the coldest it gets is 75.
It really sucks, you could go outside in winter and sweat.
Aliyah: No, I don’t really believe in Facebook. O.o I’m a myspace chick.
LOL. x) I used to be Myspace addicted. Well, kinda. I used to like press the myspace link everytime I’d first open my browser and stuff
Ahahaa, Myspace, I had it for wayy too long. Three years! So, I decided to quit and plus weirder and weirder people messaged me and I just got rid of it =]
I like Facebook. Simple. Clean. Easy. And I just like the way it works
*cough*Get it Aaru*cough*
Silly kidz.
Don’t use any of ’em! =] That is how you solve the problem!
Use Pedofil3?
Facebook =3
I have the silent buddy list too, but I can just call them and annoy the heck outta them =D
Nah, I’ll avoid Facebook. For now anyway,
*pokes Aaru*
FACEBOOK! *goes annoying*