The life of a female warrior Ch.7

Ty everybody who has been reading my story! Thnx for the comments too! xD Anyways, here is chapter 7, ENJOY! ^^

With a sad sigh, I told Joey the whole story from start to finish and I told him that I really regretted choosing to become a warrior because not only did I get laughed at and made fun of, but now, my job choice had caused one of my closest friends to get hurt and possibly die. At the end of my story all Joey could say was,”Wow…”

He tried his best to cheer me up but to no avail. In the end he decided to delay his training to help Paige and I find Emily and also get my belongings back.

On the third day of the ride, after eating dinner with Joey, we headed to our rooms. As I went down the stairs, I saw Paige flirting with a couple of other mages. “How can she be so carefree at a time like this?…” I mumbled to myself absentmindedly.

“Marie, is that Paige?” asked Joey as he stared wide-eyed at her and stopped in his tracks.

“Errr.. yah. Why do you care?” I asked back when I saw a peculiar look come across his face.

“Wow..she sure looks pretty, compared to before.” Said Joey as he continued to stare at one of my best friends.

“Joey…answer me honestly, do you like Paige?” I asked but when I turned around, Joey was gone. He had went to Paige to introduce himself as he shooed away the other male mages.

I sighed…maybe I was too uptight, but then again, Joey and Paige hadn’t lost their main weapon or armor so they could relax a little and enjoy the ride. I missed Emily so much. Just as I was drifting away into my thoughts, a clang of metal hitting wood woke me up. The sudden sound startled me since I had been deep in thought so I stepped back and took my Lions Fang out from it’s sheath.

“Woah, miss, can you put that down? I just wanted to see what was bothering such a pretty face.” said a male warrior. His armor had made the sound when he sat down next to me.

I looked at his face, he seemed nice. So I put down my sword and sat down on the stairs again. “I was just thinking about some things..” I replied with as much sincerity as I could since I really wasn’t in the mood to talk to anybody at that moment.

“Well, good luck with everything. I hope you solve all your problems. We can be friends right? Here is my name, phone number and address. Contact me if you ever want to talk or something.” said the warrior as he put a piece of paper into my hand and walked away.

I guess I made a new friend….A pretty wierd friend, I might add. I went to my room and fell asleep.

———————————–Fifth Day———————————–

Finally, it was the last day on the wretched train. I could finally search for Emily. As Paige, Joey and I departed from the train station, Joey took our luggage and went to reserve some rooms for us in a nearby hotel. Paige and I, we went to Hasha’s house. When we got there, we realized it wasn’t a house. It was a mansion! Fences on all sides, heavily guarded and extremely scary looking. No wonder Emily had trouble sneaking in.

“Paige, what’s our plan?” I asked in a low whisper as we crouched behind a bush.

“OK, we wait till nightfall, then, we sneak into Hasha’s room and tie him up. After we find out what happened to Emily, we’ll search his whole house for your items unless he tells us what he did to them. After all that, we’ll leave him in a closet and board the earliest train to Orbis.” answered Paige quietly.

With that said, we headed back to the hotel and told Joey our plan. We still had a while before it was dark, so we spent the rest of the day practising our skills. It was finally sunset and we creeped towards Hasha’s mansion. I gripped my Lion’s Fang so tightly that my hands went numb. That’s how nervous I was. If our plan failed, I would get us all killed.

After we had gotten over the metal fence that surrounded the whole area, we hid behind a bush again to wait until a passing guard had his back turned to us.

Joey stepped out and before the guard could reach for his weapon, Joey had muttered a spell and holy rays hit the guard, killing him in an instant.

“Good job Joey!” I whispered.

“Tha——” He was cut off by a strike of lightning.

Guards were coming from all directions. We couldn’t have made so much noise that all of them heard us..I had no more time to think because I was soon attacked too. The guards were all different classes. My attacker was none other then…THE WARRIOR FROM THE TRAIN! He gave me a maliscious grin before swiping at me again with his Doombringer. I swung my Lions fang at the same time to block his sword. We pushed our swords with all our might for what seemed like an eternity while Joey and Paige were handling the other guards.

Finally, the power struggle ended and he powered up his sword to push me back a few feet. I groaned as I hit the ground and uprooted all the grass and plants.

“HAHAHAHAHHAHAAAA! You really are weak like Hasha had told me.” He snickered.

While he was laughing at me, I toook the chance and knocked him off his feet. He tried to stab me but I quickly slit his throat. Blood came gushing out like water, and his body went limp. I noticed his eyes were bloodshot and still open, so I closed them for him.

Author’s Note: That’s it for now.. I think its too long so I’ll stop here xD. Hope ya enjoyed reading this. The ending will be in one or two chapters.. Leave comments please, or tell me if you liked it or not. Ty!

5 thoughts on “The life of a female warrior Ch.7”

  1. omg, you HAVE to continue writing, this is soo, addicting, o.o;;; i read the first part and started continue reading and reading, it’s just so, addictive, O_o, because of your blog, i’ve decided to make a female warrior myself, ><;; ya! keep the good work up!

  2. lol nice marie ;P well keep it up, u go girls n guy o.O well yah now it turned bloody ._.

  3. im starting 2 get the idea that u think all male warriors r like this. . . .

    but i have yet 2 meet any racisit ppl in ms yet

  4. lol yah i felt like readin it again marie =] well anyways, HOW CUD I <censored as spoiler>, welll i wuda like hafta bye new clothes 2 b black, >.<;; so i can blend in, and i wudnt b so easy 2 take down, i think, @.@

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