Stupid people using megaphones..

I boarded the ship to was all jolly and merry as usual. Lots of people smiling, talking, guys running after girls making the kissy face..Then, I saw a certain somebody that I will call Polly. She was and female Crusader so I thought, yay! Another girl me!

As I looked at her lvl suddenly, in bright pink, in my chatbox, I see, “Polly: <somebody> thinks 22Marie is a hacker”

I didn’t even know Polly or that other person. I started getting chat invites from a ‘storagemulez’ asking me what bypass and w.e I use..and I was like..huh?Then he’s like, “AHAHAHAH YOU STUPID HACKER. I’M GONNA REPORT YOU! OWNED.PWNED.RAPED.OWNED.PWNED.” He sounded like such a little kid..

Not to mention, my whispers got flooded with friends and ex-friends asking me what was wrong with Polly..all that jazz..My buddylist went crazy too. All that plus the fact that I was in a chl 1 ship. Spam Central..

I asked Polly why she said that and guess what her reply was? “<somebody> asked me to put her in a I did.” Then, I asked her if she could make another megaphone telling ppl I wasn’t a hacker and she replied, “no more nx”.

I was furious now. She made that up randomly and now this person thinks I’m a hacker and reported me when I did nothing wrong. All my buddies were helping me do damage control by spamming to their buddies that I wasn’t a hacker. Finally, one of my good friends bought some nx and used a megaphone saying that I didn’t hack. A guild friend also made a megaphone stating that I was NOT a hacker.

Polly replied with a megaphone that what my friend said was the truth. Unfortunately ‘storagemulez’ didn’t see the megaphones saying I wasn’t a hacker and now he is making my life miserable. I have to keep my whispers disabled and chat invites too. All this because Polly had nothing better to do..

All you people who use or have megaphones, don’t spread rumours with them. Some people take hacking very seriously and being framed for something I didn’t do, isn’t very fun..

I won’t get banned if that person reports me right? I mean, I didn’t even do anything wrong except call him a nubcake..<_<
Edit: Whoops..I just realized, the screenies show their IGNs…oh well..-.-

14 thoughts on “Stupid people using megaphones..”

  1. OUCH, that must suck so much. I pity you, at least you had your friends to stick up for you.

    That Mule guy is another noob who reminds me constantly of how juvenile most of the MS population is. -_-”

  2. Aah. That’s evil. How I love being a low-keyed character. (Besides the fact I can’t sing high pitch.)

    Don’t worry, you probably wouldn’t get banned. Sometimes it’s good that the GMs are lazy.

  3. Oh, i know storagemulz, he’s just a screwed up lil kid that i did a basil trade with. When we traded, he said that he thought that he was buying, instead of me, even tho on my character place it said that please make sure if you were buying or selling.

  4. Yes, don’t worry, your friends helped you, and you have done nothing rong. She was just jealous of you probably lvl’ing faster than her, so she tryed to stop it. Luckely it didn’t get further =D
    Try and put the Mulez kid on the BlackList (He can still whisper you, I think, but he can’t chat with you.


  5. How evil. . . I don’t think you’d get banned as it’d be a false report (if the GMs did bother to look into it). It’d more likely result in getting the reporter banned or punished in some way.

  6. 22marie, I doubt you hack. Your a good girl, and the people who think that are just jealous because ur pro and they are not. Let the noobs be noobs. They are making themselves look stupid for trying to make people believe your a hacker.


  7. 22Marie, don’t worry about those haters. -_-; Anyways, I’m sure you’re not a hacker, but legit. =) Good luck to you~

    x33 Sunia

  8. lolz. 2 of my freinds have been talked about on megaphones, u, and emily. – -” well.,, YAY FOR MOMMY! =DD MOMMY DEFENDED U! =DD

  9. ouch thats gotta hurt. i had a friend been called f4g,noob bich slut, the works on a megaphone, she was a ludi pqer too, so it was hard for her to get a party, when she did, her track would always be spammed T.T

    anyways, you seemed to have dealed with it well ^^ gj


  10. Well, put him on your block list >_>
    Seriously, people believe things said on the megaphones just too much.
    My friend had to give up his lvl 46 sin, because someone said hes a hacker and people started mass reporting and defaming him.

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