Guess I should write something huh?

Well I’m back!

First off, I lvled a lot lately, now I’m lvl 32!
My friends have been lvling pretty slow….So I decided to go on without them
Seriously though, it is…..

Imma write the next chapter of The Spear Of Hope soon after my tests are done! (they should be done by Friday so maybe they will be out then……Or maybe before.) read more

What has EbilMax been doing?

I have been eating lot’sa bananas..

Buwahaha, for realz. Bananas are high in K (potassium) and Potassium prevents cramps, which is why I do locking.

I’ve spending most of my time practicing locking for my school’s food fair performance. Before it was our turn to go up, i was hardened; my finger tips were cold, my palms were sweating, my legs were frozen, and my shoulder was having like a seizure. So what was my solution? read more

Oh noes! Migration Season!

Well MMOTales, it’s been quite awhile. And by that, I mean it’s been too long. A bit too long for my own taste. But I guess that it’s partly my fault that I haven’t been blogging.

Anyways, in my blogging hiatus, I’ve forfeited the entire… Broa thing. Turns out it’s not just the guild that was bothering me (God bless them though), but Broa in general (God Bless Broa!). Don’t get me wrong though. There are good people in Broa. Although, there are people that piss me off enough in Broa that had me think: “Hey wait. This person’s an idiot.” read more

Lost in the Shadows Ch-34

Chapter 34: Depths of the Mind

Date: November 21, 3007
Time: 20:00
Location: El Nath Region

A stream of molten hot plasma flash-melted the snow in a straight path directly into the chest cavity of a towering Lycanthrope. As it fell, it’s white fur now charred to a crisp, it gave one last painful howl and then smashed into the snow with a tremendous thud. Aaru eased the pressure on the palm triggers to her K-98 Kage Flamethrower and whipped around. Right behind her, Aaru’s sister was shaking in the kickback of her O-24 Omega Heavy Machine Gun which was shredding hot steel into the torsos of numerous Pangs and Hectors. read more


I want to do a mmv but I don’t know what song to do…. HELP PLEASE

Also I need some help with something, how do you make mmv’s from bannedstory but then put the character in a map

from ms. I know you take a screenie from ms, crop it, put it in paint and then get the pic from bannedstory, crop it but

when you add it to the one you have from ms, it’s got that white box, how do you get the outline of the char on the pic read more


I got 999 mill on my mule and 400 mill on my hermit =D i also have like 10 ilbis wen i sold my tobis on my mule…4th job skills are awesome in maplesea and korean ms 4th job skillz cho wadt tah! (i like 4th job skills) …schools been pretty boring lately..i had to write a draft on charles darwin for science (who the hell is that~) But, after school, yay no Extended Day for the 7th graders and im in SP i hate honors class >.< i wanted to share my joy with u guys bcuz last year was pretty bad i got into a fight with five mexican racist 8th graders and i sprained my arm and cut my leg pretty badly..I can see the scar..
But whatever…This year’s fun! read more

I’ve just been hacked

Damn. The one person I thought would never hack me.

Who I didn’t know in real life, anways.

I am way too trusting.

Sorry for the *REALLY* short blog.

I feel like ****. I guess this is the time for me to start playing FlyFF and other ****. Sign from God.


A Hostage’s Tale – Prologue

Held Hostage – Prologue kinda sorta


January 1, 2007
Weather: Hailing
Location: El Nath

The weather is very cold in El Nath, but imagine it there in winter time. What if you had to spend a few months out in the freezing cold weather. This is a story about a young warrior about the age of thirteen going on a mission and save a few people. These people were not close and maybe not even El Nath. This warrior was, Billy Thorne. read more

Your Story- Prologue

Ah crap. I got another idea for a story.

Your Story- Prologue

I had a dream. . .
A dream of floating in an endless sea of nothing
But suddenly a whole world blew out into my surroundings.
I would meet new people, kill mushrooms and slimes and yeties and demons, and become a hero.
I just wish I could actually live in the world.
A wish for an entire new story. . . read more