You’re an Angel? – Three

Okayy this one is better. No action at all but, it’s a can’t miss.

Ch 3 – Sub

“We have to cast a sub life.” Lucas said.

“A substitute life? Sir, that requires-” The angel got cut off by Lucas.

“Yes, it requires one whole life or two half lives from two other people. I’m going to give him my life.” Lucas said.

“No, sir, I can. I think I have enough mana.” The angel said. read more

That Girl. Prologue.

That Girl. Part l <3


A group of friend’s, not particularly close friend’s, but still considered each other as buddies, sat on a platform huddled around a fire at zombies. Soon, as the El Nath night began to darken, one by one they started drifting home, until there were 2 people remaining.

” Can you believe how cold it is? ” Chris asked shivering slightly, his voice trembled as his body shook with the evening’s chill. read more

When Noobs Attack…

They crouched in the bushes peering fearfully at their worst enemy.
Their wounded friend twitch spasdically on the ground behind it.
the monster slowly turned their way. . .


green snail:*?*

haha!! yeah basically i suck o.O


anyway to maple!!

Sos there i am being bored cuz Jess said he was hungry and went to get some food.
being the oh so creative person i am, i decided to make a story!! =D
what kind of story i wrote u may or may not ask wth do i care wat u want? read more

…Interesting turn of events.

A few updates o__o

Okay. So, Me Getting hacked.
Turns out, It wasn’t the virus after all.

Over a Year ago, Back when I was probably in the Level 20 -> 30 region. I was close friends with a guy, and Because back then I had only been playing maple a month or two, I was stupid enough to give him my Info. He gave me his too. Over time we grew distant, and we argued. Over a year later, He still remembered my info. Of Course, I forgot that I had told him it. read more

dangit. had to rewrite four times.

It’s early in the morning, I’m tired, I have school in a couple of hours, I’m hungry, and this blog didn’t go through 4 times-and I dunno why I didn’t copy and paste. Excuse the NOW shoddy quality.

Quit Maplstory. It’s mediocre, it’s boring, I’m through with it.

So, after quitting the private server I recruited Ganz to. (StonedRaiders) read more

FEAR Chapter Five: Blow Me Away

Maple Logistics Authority
Ludibrium, Ossyria
24rd April 2042
0335 Local Time

The sounds of charging mana engines reverberated in the confines of hanger SG-06, the poor acoustics overlapping the noise into one continuous hum. Muffled by the powerful engines, the flick deck shutters slid open, bathing the metallic interior with the dark shadows cast by the moon. Sergeant Ganzicus checked off his squad and let his eyes wander over to the virgin soldiers of Zeta Unit, whom were forming up nearby. He watched their young faces, fresh out of Orbis Academy, never having the witnessed the crucible of war. Although Zeta was a fully new unit, there would be no doubt that they would prove themselves when the situation demanded it. It was more reassuring to Ganzicus that his team were all hand picked veterans of the Valentine’s Day Massacre, save for a select few. He turned away from Zeta, his mind brushing upon his own scarred youth. read more

Hacked? Super!

Guess what? I was hacked. Yaay. Yess.

[Screenie 1/2]

You know, I don’t feel very sad, or angry or anything. Instead, I feel like congratulating the hacker. He managed to get pass my password. That’s very nice.

I was hacked TWICE in a row. And I have to tell you, the first time was devasting. And the second time, I trained like crazy till 61. Then, I was hacked again. At the same level. But the equips were way better.
(Apparently, the hacker left some cursed scrolls inside there)
2 Illbis = 42m
3 steelies = 21m.
5 tobis = 5m.
14 LUK suana robe = 20m
8 WA WG = 14m
42 WA Sapphire slain = 14m
Mesos = 27m read more

How It Began [Chapter 1]

Whoa. 7 in the morning… Zzz~

Anyway, I had a heck of a time at Leafre town.

[Screenie 1] Messing around on the Hot Air Balloon to Leafre Town.

[Screenie 2] Messing around in the Cash Shop. Found something funny.

Alright, that sums up my Maple Day, yesterday ><.

How It Began [Chapter 1]

Ever wondered what supports you? read more

And Now it is gone

My account..
Password Is changed
I Don’t know how
NO ONE Knows my secret question answers. x_x;
My level 71 Fire mage, gone
My 46 Sin, Gone
Everything, Gone. x_x

I Emailed Nexon.. Hopefully i’ll get it back.

Yeah this blog was a waste of time.

-cough- x__x~

Well, there’s a first for everything right?

I officially quit MapleStory.


Yep, it CAN BE done people, all you need is some WILLPOWER.


but I’m still addicted to Starcraft and Warcraft III : The Frozen Throne..

Argh, I wonder if anyone plays those..

anyways, MapleStory was fun, but now it’s time to go..

to another game..

-cough- read more