My wedding

Recently (around a month ago) I had my wedding, with Brian, A maple story Dragon Knight, at the time I was level 65. It was one of the most important days of my mapling times so far.

He meansa lot to me, in a ton of ways.

~Forever In Love~
Brian & Lisha
Saytaga & troublelove

Dash Part 1

Omg everyone was leaving mean comments and it pissed me off and so then I got mad and I decided to give you all I got written so far so here you go, knock yourself out -.-

We decided that we shouldn’t go over it was to soon so instead Rachel, Crash, and I walked down to the market to look around. I had to go to the bathroom and searched around. Finally I spotted one out and I dashed over to it. Not looking where I was going I slammed right into a strong figure. Looking up saying sorry and regaining my balance I found myself getting lost in the same deep blue eyes. My heart started racing and I didn’t know what to do. read more

Dash Part 1 paragraph… Oh I duno..

I can’t post more then 1 paragraph becuase I will run out of paragraphs to put in… I don’t write often ahah I’ll write more and try to post more but I duno… haha nice torture of me…. ehehehe

After lunch I went over to Rachel’s house and told her all about the nice guy I had met on the boat. We exchanged each others comments and then she said we should go over to his house tomorrow so she could meet this total hottie. I said sure but don’t you dare get all your hotts for him. Then we both started laughing and she said I’d be lucky if I even got the right address! read more

Me and my dollys<3

Just another random day, me and my dollys hanging out. A few men decided to sit with us and chat anf F6 us numerious times, so we decided to do a few of our faces. Around an hour later there had been about 150 people pass us and, make faces, all is fine about that. Lol it’s the rude ones who stopped an decided to stare, i mean dam they are only dolly faces lol lots of people love them, and lots of people hate them. At any rate i always try to make time for friends, some times it dosent work as well as i would like it to. But in the end it all works out. read more

An Angel Falls…

My name is Kira…

My story is one you will never hear again…

I was once and Angel…

But something happened…

My love turned to fear…

Fear turned to anger…

Anger turned to hate…

Hate leads to suffering….

So came, Nightmare, the Fallen Angel.

I wasn’t always a demon of the underworld. I was once an angel, living on Earth. I was simply a warrior, travelling through lands, slaying the damned and the evil. My world knew nothing but to destroy darkness. I was an empty shell, controlled by nothing but my destiny. My Duty to the gods. Until, a girl came into my world. read more

She touched herself O_O?

Lol, ignore the title. Listening to a song. I can get sexual or something like that. It’s a funny song :3

AaronFTW YET AGAIN is KPQing. I swear, I gotten in over 70 KPQs. NOT ONCE DID I GET A (insert bad word here) OVERALL DEX SCROLL. ORES ORES ORES (insert bad word here) ORES… MY GOSH. I made new friends and I asked a friend to marry me ._. She said yes Lol… o_o What else? Oh, Uhh ._.;; FruitCup died. I’m going to make Pikachuz0rz an archer, uhh I got scammed 2M ._. and yeah. NOt much is happening. o_o read more

Nexon Cards in Canada

Well, been awhile since my last blog. Where to start…

I leveled to 52, in orbis PQ recently (Joy ^^) I sent my payment to paybycash Im still oPQing in bera, I can smuggle and I have storage piece if you want party. Mmmm…..

Just recently, GM’s put up a notice in-game saying the starting september 4th, Nexon card will be availible in Canada at Shoppers Drug Mart, a store thats like EVERYWHERE. Woot Canada, I’m Canadian. So now I have a question : To all of you that live in Canada, what’s the FIRST thing you will buy with your cards? Me? I’m going to change my outfit, getting tired of baby blue :l read more

Hellooooo From School!

Hey all. ^^ I’m back and updating! (I know! Shock huh?!)

School’s started so obviously I’m not on MS as much (and on here even less), but I’m still alive. ^^ Not to mention that while playing MS my laptop seems to like to either blue screen me to death or just shut down.
-Oops, hold on, must take a test- XD (yeah I am literally at school while typing this! ;D )
Aaanywho, like I was saying, not really here much, but still on a bit. ^^
I’m not in EA anymore (sorry guys but you died D8). Liyahhead stole me from then for Darkhan. ^^ Alley looks spiffy as a ninja thief with a face mask and leather clothing, but I think that’s the last NX I’ll spend on clothes for a bit ’cause I really like thief clothing anyway.
Here’s a question, which class do you think has the best clothing? read more


Woot Thanks everyone who left me the grips of comments I got on the first post, It was all constructive Critisicm( I think that’s how it’s spelled O.o) But Yeah I was playing WoW and heard some dudes talking about some website called PurePwnage( So I check it out and It turns out to be an internet show about a Guy named Jeremy and whatnot. It’s Really an awesome show lol but I dont want to go to into it..Becuase I guess were not alowed to write about those kinda expieriences right? Well someone tell me something… Can you write about Real life stuff or just in game MMO stuff. Becuase I wanna blog about CSS and other kinda games too. But if I cant its all good. But if your into a big variety of games and understand that very complex gamer lingo O.o check out pure pwnage its hilarious lol. Well I really dont know what to write about now… I saw you guys say I sohuld write more but erm…Cant lol. So yeah BB GG RE! ASSASINS FTW!! read more