People I need votes or I can’t do a story!
Monthly Archives: April 2007
MMOTales’ 1st Year Anniverary!
Today, ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, friends and family, is the day MMOTales was first created, by Captain, also known as Mr.Basil. The months have passed, and now we arrive here, one year later, to find a utopia of sorts, with hundreds of spectacular ( and horrible ) blogs that have been on the front page many, many, many times. Although this site has gone through rough times of endurance, intelligence, and stamina, we all made it through. But we still have lost members of our crew to many reasons.
omg liek, noobz!1oneChuckNorris!1times1!
Picture: Yeah, I leveled, what? Wanna fight about it? I came across that guy there, ShareDK, he CC’d on me, I quickly followed, having a report-to-be for any hacker I came across, but he wasn’t hacking, he was just very anti-social, he partied me until I leveled.
Then I PQed some more with my awesome leader, I won’t name names, but I call ‘er Lammywinks, and she’s rather great at leading, we only got in one PQ, late at night and every preteen retard is clogging every possible entrance, if you had a team of patient people, you could easily sit and blind click at an empty untracked channel. Unfortunately they all flock from spammed/popular track to spammed/popular track like a flock of Ree-Ree’s, and the ones in your party insist on following.
The return to JMS
I returned to JMS, but this time acutally introducing myself to a nice community. There is this whole new fourm based on English people playing JMS!!!
Well the screenshots show my day.
Maplestory + Gym class = Insanity
I have been denying and denying my Maplestory obesession. “I’m not obessed!” I say, protesting as my mom takes away my laptop and hides it. (In a cardboard box, but that’s another story.) But the real cincher, that convinced even me that I’m obessed was last Friday in gym class.
It was raining, so we played matball, which is like kickball, except you use your hands and it’s in a smaller area. I was up, and managed to hit the ball and get to first base. (Which most everyone did) So, next ball was out, and the next one, and then someone screamed “RUN!” So, being the spaz I am, I RAN. And I was almost to 2nd base, too, when I got tagged. And the thoughts going through my head?
It’s been a good year.
It’s been a good year for the MMOTales, wouldn’t you say? They grow up so fast. :'(
I remember when I first joined back in the winter of ’74. Disco wasn’t dead then Dame haters nowdays won’t give it a chance.
So, I’ve been watching the “Best Day Edder” on Cartoon Network. I’ll mourn for the ending of the only good show that’s left on that channel ‘cept for all the stuff on Adult Swim; that’s good too.
Through Wilderness, Through War Ch- 14
Chapter 14: The Lost
Please dont cry
You know Im leaving here tonight
Before I go I want you to know
There will always be a light
Shuffling footsteps echoed through the narrow hallways, drowning out the innocent chirps of the gleeful birds after a long night sleep. Two figures dashed down the corridors towards the stairway, one with a long dress flowing behind her, and another with his black armor clinking and clanging together. They turned the corner and flew down the flight of stairs. With a yelp, the woman dripped over the hem of her dress and came tumbling down in the last few steps. The man, following close behind, tried to reach out to stop her, but lost his balance too, sending him hurling down to the foot of the stairwell.
KFT and OPQ’s
My first MMO experience, yay .
I log onto my account, Dominosx. Being lonely with no one on I decided to do some of KFT’s quests. But when I logged on I was at Ludi’s Fm. How? Someone must’ve been snooping around on my account while I was off for months! >:o.
So I had to walk all the way back to Helios tower then travel down to KFT. Gah I had to wait a long time. Why? Because the elevator rudely shut the door when I got door. Let me tell you I have the shortest temper.
Short blog.
Ugh, so I login to collect more seedlings and I have no luck with it. Why is it that high-levels always get shafted in everything from levels to items? Bah.
I had this bp come up to me and beg for buffs in the middle of me fighting a tombstonebearer. The convo went something like this:
Him: buffs me pliz
Him: buffs me pliz
Him: buffs me pliz
Me: after I finish killing this~
Him: buffs me pliz
Me: (thinking to myself) ohemgee be patient
Me: (finishes killing tomby, buffs him)
Him: thkzs you! (grabs every mob in the area and runs off with them to aoe)
Me: (left standing mob-less) … np (thinking to myself) … you arse.
Northern Markets Ep14
EPISODE FOURTEEN: Bob can’t explain o.0
“This is pretty much the written part psycho-assessment stage of the Third Job Advancement test. It is not graded on how well you perform, but it more gives the teachers in El Nath a psychological view. Keep in mint it will also factor into the results of the 3JA exam and wether you pass or fail. They don’t want to pass mages, warriors, bandits, sins and bowmen who they think will suffer hardships later on or become dangerous to the people around them” Mr. Greenberg, the level 81 magician turned teacher explained to his class of level 69ers. He pointed to the details on the chalkboard that he wanted his students to write down.
BobdaBeaverSlayer13 sat in the fourth row. Even though the level 70 fighter listened, his mind kept drifting to his last project with that noob magician. He hadn’t seen her since yesterday when he and the bus driver handed her over to the clerics.
“Keep in mind, folks that it is NOT a wise idea to wait until you are 99% experienced before heading to Nath. If you are even at 94, you should go immediately. for if you encountered Balrogs on the ship or had to fight off summoned monsters, or anything else major, your experience will go up. Not a worry if you are level 69, but if you are level 70 and still havent taken the 3JA exam, I suggest you get your butt over to the station and catch the next flight” Mr. Greenberg was saying, checking his watch. “…which leaves in an hour. If you don’t know your %, come up after class and use the experience test machine by the door” he said, pointing to a funny looking wooden box like machine.
“Because if you hit 71, and you are not 3J, it will serve as a disgrace to the people at Nath and reduce your odds of passing, and even compromise you 4JA at Leafre. Understand?”
The students nodded.
“It’s about 2:30 now, so you have about 30 minutes to go over the packages I have given you and the criteria of the tests and their projects” the old teacher said, sitting at his desk.
Bob looked everything over. The test would include a written part, containing history questions, questions on the job class, and other topics. The other part would be a hands-on project assigned by the people there.
The advanced project is an essay basically written by the lv 70 hopeful explaining why he or she wants to advance.