Wow, I havenβt been playing Maple for ages. Maybe a few weeks, plus I am forgetting to blog. (I am about several months behind) Well anyway I just read the Nexon promises thing on their site, hope they implant that new report system. So sick and tired of hackers, plus that reward system sounds nice too. Report 20 hackers and get them banned for a reward!
Monthly Archives: March 2007
Gosh. Update. :)
Meh, must be the first proper blog I wrote in a few months.
βTopic 1: Scania Adventures.
Well, after I got back on MapleStory, I made a character in Scania.
The first time I logged in.
17 Beginners logged in with me at the same time.
It was abnormal really. . . how full can a server get?
So I trained.
*2 hours later*
*level. 2.*
Yay? ._.
o_o ok .. but seriously, ..grim is good
Ok first im going to say a little abit the previous blog first .
Firstly,mmo tales is an blog site isnt it? i can just type my thoughts down & speak rubbish all day long. thats me . ^^
secondly johnathan is actually a smart guy.his grades are higher than average but his attitude is err.. lets say perticular.( sorry =( im not sure if this is the correct spelling .)
thirdly,i would like to say that im really portraying my principal in a manner which i like to state out his bad points.sadly,he doesnt have any good points if you want to side with him.hey,im a rebel . but iβve never had a single detention in my life. xP
fourth.i would like to thank the people whoβve seen my posts . ^^ thanks alot.
Ok! iβve have some people who comment that sotong is the best place for a priest to train there. let me state the fact that a lvl 90 priest can hop to grim phantom with a dk & get 2k+ exp on every grim. its even better with a hermit but please please please hb the hermit.mits have low hp.
but on the other hand . ^^ if u have no dks willing 2 accompany u to grim phantom,
well,the 2nd option is sotong party.
Reasons why sotong is not THAT good ( for priests )
1.(shortage of people)people quit party,u have 2 find another hermit,dk,bowman,blablabla..etcetc
2.Chatters. ( ok this is what i basically call people whom want to train but at the same time want to talk to their buddies.please,if u keep up this habit of talking & training at the same time u can say goodbye to exp & hello to slow exp.
3.Eat & Bathe.( this is also an mix golem party problem.there are a number of certain people in this world whom can bathe in 5 minutes,eat tjeir breakfast/lunch/dinner in 5minutes.but sadly,there are certain people in this world whom can bathe or eat for a complete hour.this is agonizing.what happens if thers like,1 priest & 2 attackers in the map,and the rest of the party members are ever so slowwwly eating or bathing away.please make an effort to just bathe or eat in 30minutes.i do not believe that the holy act of bathing needs to be so darn long (unless you have a phobia against bathing & would need a nurse to help you ) so can you just please hurry up.if youβre drying your hair however i can understand.
thats all for now ^^ hope can write soon . xP
Old tale remake!!!!!!
I got out my blue screamer ready to pwn XD. i brought 10k hp and mp pots. to zakum. he uses his spell binding moves i dodge it and hit him with a stab. im only level 100 this is on my old guy before he got hacked anyway his name is DKstinger but i cant use. anyway i keep stabbing him and finally 4 hours later⦠hes dead!!! i take my zakum helmate and my r=new blue screamer some str scrolls and like 5 mill in mesos is this blog better XD oh and if u want to make a vbandit let me know who ever said that okay!! hell be a str bandit
My day in Zipangu
Actually . . . It was part β victoria , part β zipangu && part β china , shanghai .
I was first at victoria ( DUH ) . Got bored of waiting for a pq . So i went off into killing evil eyes . To finish Nella β s never ending requests . Seriously . But i like her quest . It gives you great itmes . But sucky exp . I would really prefer quests with awesome exp like the new year quest .
Zombie MushMom
Meh, my first blog on MMOTales.. I hope I can post here more and more, and that people will like the things I write!
Well, I was on a Zombie MushMom killing spree yesterday.. 9 ZMMs killed within 15 minutes! I just went to random channels and whenever I killed 1 zombie mushroom or a jr boogie, the ZMM would spawn! It was amazing for those 15 minutes, then it was over. I guess I had to wait 2 hours or whatever the spawn time for ZMM is to get another spreeβ¦
Whereapons the noobie has levelled! Etc!
Greetings and other such salutations!
I am Cinnamon.. or as most of my friends know me in game, Broo.
I play in the happy land of Broa, where stuff happens on a daily basis!
In most cases that is.
Well, anyways.
I just leveled my perma-noobie main to 47! (see picture one)
Anyhow. Story time!
-Guild PQy story: In which the protagonist dies many times, and encounters the legendary POOP PIE!-