Monthly Archives: January 2007
Bloody Hackers ._.;
I know for a fact that every person here is sick of hack rants. So if you feel that you personally need to jog my memory of that, I’ll tell you right now: I don’t need to be reminded, so don’t even bother. You’ll eat a muffin, Johnny, and you’ll like it D:<
I was training my beginner yesterday at pig beach, hoping for pig heads that were never going to appear anyway, I admit in defeat.
Hammer of the Emperor Logo
Comic Episode 50.
Feel free to flame if you wish to do so.
The Paths part 2
As the two friends fight they then start their first pq with two other people named Jake who was a rouge,and Zeke the party leader who was a mage. Now they have entered.
Reks and Zero: Whoa
Zeke: Those should be the expressions of first timers better explain to them the rules.
Zeke: Hey Reks and Zero let me explain to you the rules you see that girl over there she will give you a question and you have to answer them with the number of coupons you get from those crocidiles theres also a 30 minute time limit and we wasted 1 min got it.
First Blog Entry
This is my first blog entry, so I’ll tell a little about myself.
I am a level 55 hunter named Adlar and I have a level 24 black pig named Bacon.
I don’t have very many friends, and I’m not all that popular. Bacon keeps me company while I train.
I play in Windia, and I usually hang around Henesys.
Today was a very adventurous day. I traveled around about 8 towns, going back and forth, doing quests for people. I was frustrated at the rewards they gave me. It took a lot of hard work and effort to do some of the things that they asked me to do, and they barely even gave me a reward. Especially Jacob, from Amoria. I was trying to gather the things he needed for about 4 hours. I got back to him, handed him the stuff, and what does he give me? Five white potions and 3 mana elixers.
what if u had a wish
what if u had a wish… a wish that u can only use once… what would u use it on
a.wish for 9999999999999999999999999999999999999 mesos
b.wish for 9999999999999999999999999999999999999 dollars
c.wish for 9999999999999999999999999999999999999 nx cash
d.wish for a gf (ms)
e.wish for a gf (RL)
f.wish that maplestory was real and you could be your characters in the real world…
g.wish that u got the netendo wii and PS3
h.wish that u could be tiger
i.wish that u could switch tiger with a lvl 1 noob
j.wish that u were a GM
k.wish that u are a lvl 200
l.wish that everything stop and u could do/steal anything u want!
n.wish that u were god
m.wish that your computer was so fast that u don’t even lag in FM channel 1
o.wish that u were mr.basil
p.wish that u were a toilet O_o
q.wish that u can live FOREVER
r.wish that u died and go to heaven
s.wish that u have 4th and 5th job
SereneSoul caught hacking
Well isn’t this depressing? Our very own guild member SereneSoul/SS/Screenie caught hacking before your very eyes. The proof is all with me, geeks, and dit
Zombie Mushmom ftw!
Yesterday was a completely one-three-three-tee day on Maple! =D I made Munky go online (ah, my powers of persuasion through MSN!) and Ganzicus dropped in (literally, into the golem pit ), we shelled more golems and had the time of our lives. Ganzicus died once (or twice. . .>_>
and Munky got utterly pwnt by the golems (this was another mule – AwsmMPGair).
There was also some sort of glitch when Ganz died – 0 exp, but 99.99% (Hope you don’t mind me using the picture, Ganz).
Then when I dropped into the pit, the golems cornered me. =[ Soon after, Aliyah logged online, and Veggie did too!
This, is what we have mules for.
Hello again, boys and girls. It’s been a while since my last blog, and I assure you, I have absolutely no excuse. I suppose I should start with the assorted happenings of my Mapling career. Recently, me and a friend made new characters, his was an HP warrior (When you have everything else, why not?), and mine is… Well, mine is useless. At least I thought so.