wHat?! No SAME-SEX marriage!??

New game! New game! I got my lil suicidal and unwilling friend down to Conquer. It’s a new game! But heyy.. she always get male characters and manages to look al’ so nicer than me! So, I got mine a male too ~ sexy bishies.

Hahaa.. and there’s a marriage system! Woww.. so, I told mi’ friend .. ‘Let’s get married!’. She’s the most trust-worthy ‘male’ afterall. Hmm.. bad choice when I asked in the forum though.. read more


Is runescape getting old?

I’ve been playing since three years back, grumbling about mine stealing.. lvling so I can win by mining faster, then I grumbled about getting chased by some nice looking warriorsand mages in the wild – hey! I was only innocently trying to complete my quest! I chose my time zone (+8) carefully, then avoiding all passerby and got killed by a giant. Erm.. okay. I lvled till I’m strong enough and venture out again, then I got lost! >< read more


Today I had a bad experience with a Sin. Everyone has their own opinions on them, probably that they don’t ks if you are a sin yourself, but I think most of them are generally ksers. Sometimes you meet a sin who is nice and party them then they don’t seem bad but I’m sure they do kill steal a lot to people they don’t know.

And, of course, I meet a lot of Sins at the Chronos who are most likely trying to make money because they generally drop like 100 mesos each. They all kill steal from me and it gets tiring after a while to have to deal with every one of them that walks through or stays on the map. read more

Radiance ~ An MS Story

Seeing all of the people here writing MS themed stories, I was inspired and as a result here I am.
This story was influenced by Maple (of course) , .hack// , and a little bit of Issac Asimovs science fiction…

I love writing, and I hope that you guys will like the story (Though somehow I think people will complain that there isn’t enough action, or whatever). read more

A New Chapter in Miki’s Life

Dear Diary….

Geez! I finally managed to get 1st job! Couldn’t decide to be an assist or a magician but I went ahead and opt for magician. Now, I’ve to start thinking about whether I want to be an Elementor or Psykeeper! X3

I had a “funny” experience today… was walking along the road and I saw a giant mushpang so I thought I’d give it a try and start attacking it. Then a nice guy came and start healing me for free. XD But just when I was about to kill it (about 2-3 more hits), it “ran” away and I accidentally hit the Lvl 22 troupe guy behind the mushpang. -_-” In the end ‘he’ attacked me back and I instantly got KO’ed. Lol. >_< read more

Videos? O_o me?

Hi! =D

Oooh that institute is killing all my free time-o T_T but since a friend gave me fraps cracked xD, I’ve left the pencil away for a while and started doing videos of every single thing on my maple day xD.

Well my friends asked me to and I did this video, my first video =D they say that is pretty good for the first time.

Whatever I’m back to maple on a mage and ready to revive my very first account XLuzBelx ^^ read more