The dark crystal chronicles chapter 1

How did this happen?
Why did it happen?
Who did this?
Those question filled reno’s head before all went black.

Reno:uhhh….. where am i?
????:hello it seems your awake at last…
Reno:where am i and who are you?
????:i am zaf,a cleric
Reno:u healed me?
zaf:yes,you was in a bad shape. not suprizing after surviving that.
reno: surviving what?
zaf: a balrog.
reno: A blarog?!
zaf:yes 1 came and attacked your town,and left as just as mysteriously as it came.
Reno:no… it can’t be true! i got to go back!
Zaf: please wait….
Reno:no i must go now! thanks for healing me but i got to go.
Zaf:you are not healed fully, your wounds might open agian!
Reno:But i got to see if my friends and family are ok or not!
Zaf:i’m sorry but…
Reno:but what?
Zaf:i found no else but you and the rest…….i’m truly sorry.
I just lay there on the floor stunned…thinking about all the good times.tears slowy leaked out,
the cleric choosed that moment to say:
Zaf:If u got no where to go,u can come to ellinia.i’m sure they will take u in.
‘They’…. The though of living somewhere else gave me some funny feeling like the cross of happy and sad.
Reno:thanks… but i rather go on my own. find my own path.
Zaf:i understand
something in my mind had a burning question….
Zaf had started to leave when i asked him…
reno:hey,how did balrog came here anyway…
Zaf: some sicko started to make sacks that could summon monsters,its amzing but scary at the same time.
its just too much power for anybody… read more

Mary Sue- The True Horror.

Mary Sue- The True Horror.

A brief and valuable lesson endowed to you by Vicelin.


It is not uncommon here on MMO Tales to see a badly-written piece of fan fiction being damned and scrutinized as cliché.

So…What is cliché, exactly?

Let us take a tour to the wonderful world of Webster, where our aural sustenance shall delve and be cleansed by the divinity of the mankind’s most astonishing creation- TEH DIKSHONARIE. read more

Betrayal of friends. Part 6. The Finale.

The last chapter, The finale.


I stood there shocked that my own friends were charging at me ready to kill me.
I gripped my EW and carefully whispered a spell.
Lightning had hit each one of them sending them flying back.

I didn’t know whether to kill or just injure them before I could go after Justin.
I only knew one thing, I would never survive this battle. read more

The Sin and The Cleric – Ch 7

Chapter 7 – The Mysterous Stranger

I walked back to Malfoy’s house slowly and painful, each step i took was filled with pain, sorrow, and sadness. As i reached the door of the two story house that I called home, I paused. The setting sun in the distance shined on my back, shadowing the door.


My mind raced as I shook my head, “He will come back, I know he will.” read more

I Didn’t Want To Hurt You (2 of 2)

With her begging, my cold heart softened, but I still put up an annoyed face and walked in the park. I was just sitting on the benches looking like I wanted to leave. She went to the big oak tree and she was looking for something. I knew she was looking for what we wrote on that tree with a silver ink pen half a year ago. If I remember it right, it said, “Chris and Susan was here, Chris had tea and Susan was drinking hot chocolate. Hope Chris and Susan would always remember this day, always loving each other, forever.” She was looking around for quite a while, then she came back slowly with tears on her face. read more

Persistence ~ Ch.3

Anyhow, here is chapter three of my story.

You’ll be confused as hell unless you read the others first,
Don’t blame me, blame the plotbunnies.


Chapter Three

Ceana just stood there, feet glued to the ground, with a look on her face slightly resembling a deer caught in headlights. Her nerves had still not settled from earlier, and taking two rounds of stress in one day was beginning to prove too much for our poor, ill-fated young girl. read more

wuts with the love stories!?!?

if someone can tell me WHY WHY WHY people are obsessed with adding looooooove in there stories i would be very grateful