Hi, my blog “Extra Extra!! Maplestory News” is a new one. i made one already…should i continue?
5 thoughts on “Extra!! Extra!! MS news!”
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Hi, my blog “Extra Extra!! Maplestory News” is a new one. i made one already…should i continue?
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Yea continue i liked the “maple news” thingy it’s funny about the EOS tower kiling a panda =D
Make it abit longer, have the things – Weather, Sport etc, it would be more hilarious bkus it’s more realistic to the real news and it funneh XD

Try making it longer and Bold your headings so we know when you start on sumthing new~
Try putting those other things in, also have those like, Politics and the different genre you usually see in the newspapers and hear from news. It would be great!
– VanillaPocki –
ah hell no! he copied MY Maple Story News! well. . .if u want to steal it, make i better than mine cuz my Maple Story new sux no one liked them. . .LOL
yo mikeslave, i didnt know u had a maplenews, so my bad and im sorry if i copied yours
nah its okay. Go for it! no one likes my news anyway. . .you should check mine out if u want